All accepted bids are contracts and Once the Hammer is down are considered final and non withdrawable.
Online bidders are required to lodge a deposit of £100 prior to bidding. Deposits will be credited against any online purchases. Unused balances will be refunded after the sale. Note that refunds may take up to 5 days from the close of the sale.
Only business credit cards may be used to pay for deposits or purchases. private buyers may make payments using a debit card however. Credit cards will be subject to a 2% surcharge.
Lots bought Online are subject to a buyers premium of 1% Plus Vat @ 20 %
for HELP with Registration and on using the Online Auction tel: 01467 623704 the IT team.
The person posting the bids online has to be the person who has registered for the auction.
While all reasonable efforts are made to provide a reliable online experience, no liability whatsoever can be accepted for any loss of the service or the ability to bid.
Ponies must not be removed from pens without the owner or his/ her representative being present.
2. At all Sales, if the owner is not present in person, a representative must be nominated in advance who will be responsible for the ponies.
3. All stock must be registered with the Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society at least 2 weeks BEFORE the closing date of the sale.
4. The minimum age of foals to be sold is eighteen weeks on the day of the Sale even if being sold at foot. The foal's exact date of birth must be stated on the entry form.
5. It must be emphasised that foals, unless being sold at foot, must be weaned. This means they must be able to drink water and eat hard feed independently.
6. No ponies will be accepted for sale if they have undergone any form of surgical proce dure e.g. castration, within 4 weeks of the sale date.
7. Owners who have had ponies suffering from an infectious disease within one month of the Sale must not present any ponies for sale. Any ponies showing symptoms of an
infec tious disease such as coughing, swollen glands, high temperature or a
muco-purulent nasal discharge (snotty nose) will be excluded from the Sale.
Any ponies over the age of eighteen years must have a Vet's certificate, dated the day before the Sale, stating that the pony is fit to travel. The pony must only be vetted the day immediately
prior to the Sale. If no such certificate is received by the Auctioneer, the pony must not be
permitted to go forward for sale. No ponies over 20 years of age will be accepted for sale.
9. If a mare is in foal, it is assumed it is to a stallion/entire male registered with SPS-BS. If in foal to an unregistered stallion/entire male, the progeny will not be eligible for registration with the Society. The covering stallion/entire male’s name and registration number and date(s) of covering must be clearly stated on the form.
10. In the interests of welfare, it is recommended that lactating mares are not accepted at Society Sales unless sold with foal at foot, nor should mares due to foal within eight weeks or less of the date of the Sale be accepted.
11. Full details of the following must be given on the entry form and printed in the catalogue :
Sire's name and Stud-Book number
Dam's name and Stud-Book number
Exact date of birth of pony
Name and registration number of covering stallion / entire male, if applicable.
Dates of covering must be included.
If mares have not been covered in the current season, this must be stated.
In the interests of welfare, working ponies of four years old or over only may be clipped.
13. Passports for all ponies will be checked by Society officials. Should a passport be found to be incorrect, a charge of £10 will be payable to the Society before the pony will be permitted to go through the ring.
14. The Auctioneers will collect a non-refundable entry fee of £5.00 + VAT on every pony entered into a Society sale, which must be paid at time of entry.
15. TRANSFER FEES – Please note that it is now the responsibility of NEW OWNERS to pay the transfer fees for ponies they have purchased. The same rates apply for both members & non-members. All transfer fees are £20 per pony. THESE TRANSFER FEES WILL BE CHARGED ON TOP OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANY PONY YOU BUY.
16. In the case of a pony being exported, the new owner will be responsible for paying the export fee of £50. An International Pony Movement Certificate will be forwarded directly to the foreign Stud- Book Society concerned. The Society would like all vendors of ponies sold for export to be present whilst the Vet completes the IPMC.
17. All ponies must have a Passport. No pony must be permitted to be presented for sale unless the Passport has been received by the Auctioneer’s Office prior to the Sale. The Passport must then be passed to the new owner for the onward journey.
18. The Society reserves the right to random DNA test ponies which would involve taking a hair sample.
An entry fee of £20 per animal, refundable on commission, will be payable at the office by vendor on receipt of catalogue number.
When a horse or pony goes through the sale ring wearing a head collar or bridle, the animal must be left with a head collar after it is sold, but not necessarily the one it was sold with. When a horse or pony goes through the sale ring without a head collar, it would be sold on that understanding.
N.B. We reserve the right to refuse to offer any foal which we consider to be too young, or unfit in any way. Foals must be eighteen weeks old or over.
Foals must be properly weaned, living away from their dams & eating hard feed.
Where ponies are sold from consignors who are VAT registered, VAT will be added to the Auctioneer’s knock down price.
Sellers registered for VAT are required to submit VAT registration numbers form PRIOR TO SALE. Sellers not registered for VAT are required to submit signed and completed declaration forms PRIOR TO SALE.
No Pony to be removed from the Pen without the Owners Permission.