Thainstone – Fodder Sale – Friday 7th February 2025
Ring 3 Sale of Fodder at 09:30am
There is Audio and You will hear the Auctioneer Selling.
The Bidding Screen and Button will relay the price for you to make your Bids.
The Fodder will be sold in £'s per Bale normal. (Please see below information in regards to the additional online fee)
Remember to Bid You will have to Register with the Online Auction as an Online Buyer (No Deposit Required)
Please note: there will be an additional 1% + VAT added to the Purchase Price, this cost is for using the third Parties Online Application
for HELP with Registration and on using the Online Auction tel: 01467 623704 the IT team.
These Special Conditions together with Aberdeen & Northern Marts General Conditions shall apply to all auction sales of Fodder conducted by Aberdeen & Northern Marts (the trading division of ANM Group Ltd). Where the General Conditions are inconsistent with the Special Conditions the Special Conditions shall prevail.
DESCRIPTION: All lots are sold by reference to the description in the catalogue. The catalogue will state the loading arrangements. The additional information and/or auctioneers’ comment is indicative only, is not material, is not part of the description and does not constitute any warranty whatsoever.
WARRANTIES: The seller warrants the description in the catalogue in respect of :- (Hay etc) type of wrapping, bale size, type of baler, quality, year of production and nature of storage. (Root Crops) tonnage, variety, whether lifted or not.
LOTS: Where a lot consists of more than one item the buyer can
opt immediately after conclusion of the bidding to have that lot sub-divided.
PAYMENT: Strictly on day of sale.
UPLIFT: The buyer must uplift the goods within one month of the day of sale or as stated in the catalogue. Uplift cannot take place until payment has been received by the auctioneers and the auctioneers have notified receipt of payment to the seller. The seller undertakes not to release the goods until such notification of payment is made by the auctioneers.
WEIGHING CHARGE : The seller is responsible for payment of weighing charges (where applicable) and will ensure that copy of the weighbridge weight ticket is provided to the auctioneers.
REJECTION: The buyer must notify the auctioneers within 5 days of the day of the sale (i.e. for a Friday sale, by 5pm Wednesday) if the goods do not match the description. The seller shall allow the buyer access to the goods to check that the goods do match the description. If in the reasonable opinion of the auctioneers rejection is valid the price will be refunded to the buyer.
For Payment and the Floating Home of your Animals bought Online.
Please contact our Main Sales Office on 01467 623710
Our Staff will then ensure your Stock and Passports get home to you as per normal sale day practice.
Thank You
Aberdeen & Northern Marts
AB51 5XZ